Domestic Diva? Your Thinking of My Sister

My sister is this crafty, every-kid-in-the-neighborhood welcome, do-it-all kind of mom.

To say the least, that is not me. I am so not a domestic diva.

Okay, she really isn’t a domestic diva either, but she is a cross between Martha Stewart, June Cleaver, and Oscar Madison (only because her house is not immaculate, thank goodness).

When I called her yesterday, she was making her husband stuffed bread sandwiches, kind of like the commercial Hot Pockets. She does use store bought bread dough, but they are still time consuming.

Her husband takes them for lunch. His co-workers often eat them instead.

When she called me today, she was making more of them.

I don’t make them.  They are very time consuming.

Her children don’t really eat cold cereal. She always made them a cooked breakfast, even when she worked full-time outside of the house.

My child eats cold cereal, even for lunch sometimes.

She was making her husband’s lunch everyday after she quit working outside the home just before her second son was born.

I rarely get up before my husband leaves the house. In my defense, my sister is a morning person (I am so not nor is my daughter) and her husband often leaves for work before mine (okay, not long before…that is not the point).

On her son’s first day of school every year, she makes him a special treat. She even through a mini party for him and the neighborhood kids one year.

Here is this year’s treat:

Okay, not the best photography on my part, but you get the idea.   It is homemade rice crispy treats decorated with icing and chocolate chips all within a half an hour of her son arriving home on the bus.

My daughter asked me the next day if I knew the recipe for “those cereal things” she had at her aunt’s house.  I said yes.  She asked if we could make them sometime then.  She had no idea they came outside of a blue wrapper.

My sister is very much like our mother.  She is a doer, a volunteer, and involved.  Although, she does much better at crafts than my mother ever did.  (My mom never seemed to enjoy crafts).

She is also sensitive and giving like our mother and father. Plus, she is the fun aunt.

My daughter spent almost an entire morning telling my sister how much she likes to do crafts, because my sister always does crafts with her.  That afternoon, my daughter, my nephew, and a girl from the neighborhood were doing crafts at my sister’s house.

Perhaps, domestic diva is totally wrong.  I guess she is just a cool mom.


  1. You are giving me way too much credit. Although, I do want a retro apron and a 1950’s style dress to complete the vacuuming in heels look.