Archives for August 2010

Not Understanding the Behavior of Men

Seriously, is there something wrong in the genetic make-up of the human male?  Is it something that alters after they are married?  Is it just that they are not as detail oriented about the same things as women?  I could go on with my questions, but I should and will stop. I know that some […]

Happy Anniversary

It was a hot and humid day twelve years today.  It was our wedding. My hair curled and frizzed beyond belief. But, we had a nice ceremony anyway. We had to have two ministers because the one we really wanted had moved  to another church and because he was not fully ordained, he could not […]

The Wanderer is Home

I thought it is time to update you on the newest member of our family. As I said previously, he is a wanderer. However, lately he has been staying home. It may be that my husband finally was able to make the fence escape proof, it may be the heat is too much, or maybe […]

My Best of List, Children’s Books (Part 1)

As I am preparing to begin formal homeschooling, I realize that I have been trying to foster a desire to read and learn in my daughter almost since she was born. Here are just a few of my(our) favorite books for Toddlers through Kindergarten ages: Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric […]