Archives for January 2011

Facing the Fold: Finding Laundry Solutions

What is the worst part of doing laundry? For me, it is folding it and putting it away. First, my husband and I fold everything from t-shirts to towels very differently. If he does a load or folds a load, nothing matches up to how I folded the rest of the clothes in the drawer […]

Coping with Laundry Burn Out

I am suffering from laundry burn out. I think I have the classic symptoms: I have no desire to complete my daily laundry tasks; I am short tempered with my washer and dryer; fresh, warm sheets do not make me feel any less depressed. Yes, I have the laundry burn out blues. (By the way, […]

New Year, Same Laundry

Happy New Year! I have heard it is a new year. We light sparklers at midnight the other night to usher in the new year. I ate pork and cabbage on the first of January to follow tradition and because they say it brings good fortune. Today, I wrote a check and put 2011 for […]